
Friday, 21 August 2015

Family Holiday Day 2

Well today is day 2 of the holiday so here is the my blog for today
We got up early and went to Arundel we walked around the little town and I mean little town it took all of 9 minutes to walk round it
we then went to Bognor Regis 

Matt and Sarah and mum played crazy golf while me and nan went for ice cream
mum went to see "Gypsy Lee"
A so called Psychic
What a load of bollocks !!
I went to see one a couple of years ago and is was a load of crap I know the is people out there who do believe and I do but she was awful !!
Sat on Bognor Regis seafront in a little shack with a hand written sign which to me read
"All Mugs Welcome Here"

I wish I would have taken a pic we are going bk tomorrow for a swim in the seas so will try and get one for tomorrow's blog to show

We then got no to the caravan where we had our 2nd BBQ of the week pork chops burgers sausages salad jacket potatoes and bits I
cooked again and it was lovely after. Leading up we went to bingo where we didn't win again so we left and hit the arcade

Being a typically British arcade you don't win money you win tickets to cash in for prizes
so we endeavoured to get some prizes cut to 250 tickets later we walked out with a frisbee and a badminton set not bad after 30 minutes haul of bowling and chasing lights around a board


Me mum and nan with the first haul


My brother with his long trail of winning tickets


Mum with her haul of tickets
so a pink frisbee
And a badminton set was aquired
so that will be tomorrow's fun
on the sandy beaches of Bognor

We got bk to the caravan and sat up playing trivial pursuit
The TV edition from the charity shop which we bought not knowing it was the 1992 edition so the questions were a little out of time so to speak Sarah and mum were really good at answering the questions but nan just sat there with her hearing aid out and smiling at everyone we made vodka jellies earlier in the day and persueded to eat them as the night went on

It's now 00:20 and off a slight vodka buzz am now heading to bed after a fun day
Who knows what tomorrow will bring !!


So with that in mind it is now time for bed
See you all Tomoz for more fun and frolics

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