
Sunday, 18 October 2015

#StepheninUSA Day 4

So day 4 of the trip 
Started of with some breakfast and shopping 
In Baltimore by where James lives 

Today was gonna be a nice easy day 
as we had a 7 hour drive upstate 
To buffalo 

We chilled for the rest of the morning 
Then filmed a cooking video for James 
Channel which was great we made 
Halloween bark 
Apparently it's a thing over here in the states

So we set of a 2:30pm on a drive up states 
It was a long drive we had a stop half way in 
A little town called Mansfield in New York State 
The trip was very scenic and beautiful 

We made it to the motel for about 10pm 
And settled down for the evening 
It had been a long day and ready for some sleep 

Speak to you all tomorrow 

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