
Saturday, 24 October 2015

#StepheninUSA Day 8&9

So day 8 & 9 
We're very simple days we spent the 2 days driving 
Literally across the Midwest of the USA 
We drove through 
South Dakota 

We stopped in 2 nice little places overnight 
Cedar Rapids in Iowa 
And Rapid City In South Dakota 
The trips were dull and boring as it was 700 miles one day of corn fields
Then and other 700 miles of desert and mountains 

Don't get me wrong the second day was beautiful as we reached our destination 
I visited Mount Rushmore 

It was found by accident I didn't realise we were any where near it 
Until we saw some signs for it so it was a bit of an added bonus 
Stopped of and took some pictures and 
It is pretty spectacular 
Like the Empire State Building the construction of 
it was done during the Great Depression of 1928 
And it was completed in 1941 
From there we drove across the state in some mountains where 
I took some breathtaking photos and saw some amazing views of lakes and even a double rainbow which was amazing 

From there we ended up in a little town called 
Jackson Hole in Wyoming 
And what a town it was 
Full of charm and old town feel 
With a modern twist 
We stopped in The a million Dollar Cowboy Bar 

And had a drink
Then we hit 
The Silver dollar Bar where we had some food 
And then hit a few more saloons before heading back to the motel for the evening 
So that was the last 2 days 
We set up camp in Jackson as it is a 40 minute drive to yellow stone park 
Which is tomorrow's adventure 
Don't forget to comment and like the post and 
I'll see you all tomorrow 

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