Congratulations Theresa May
It seems your master plan may Actually work
The country vote to leave
The country is divided
You bring back the worst deal ever back from the EU that reunites the people cause it’s such a bad deal
You Push so hard and all your ministers & MPs resign or go against you.
We end up with a 2nd referendum in May 2019 cause the EU would allow an extension of article 50 cause they don’t like losing.
So it’s Your deal
Remain In The EU
While we’re on the subject
Huge Protests across main land Europe started with fuel taxes in France 🇫🇷 spread to
Belgium 🇧🇪
Netherlands 🇳🇱
Now it’s reached
Germany 🇩🇪
and merkels migration pact
Disguised under the UN
Before you comment please do your research on the UN Migration Pact that Treason May will be signing the day before the Brexit Deal is in parliament
And people want to stay in the EU club they must be mad
The people of Europe are speaking the Leaders need to start listening
They have had enough
Vive La Revolution !!!!!
Here’s a link to an article
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